These documents provide practical suggestions with respect to records maintenance and privacy issues and make reference to portions of applicable legislation including the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.56; Personal Health Information Protection Act, S.O. 2004, c.3, Sched. A; and the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.2.
They are intended for use by Ontario School Boards for non-profit educational purposes only and may be used in their entirety subject to the following conditions: (1) modifications are to support Ontario school board privacy and information management practices; (2) duplication is for an educational or implementation purpose in a not-for-profit institution; (3) copies are made available without charge beyond the cost of reproduction; and (4) the PIM Taskforce is acknowledged.
Information contained in these documents is for general reference purposes and should not be construed as legal advice. Boards should consult with their own legal counsel for the purposes of interpretation, modification or implementation.
The taskforce accepts no responsibility for the implementation, modification or proliferation of the documents.
PIM Welcome PDF 44kb
PIM Preface PDF 144kb
Workgroup Members for the PIM toolkit
1. Self-Assessment Section |
Guidelines for the Stage of Implementation Self-Assessment Activity |
PIM Program Self-Assessment Activity |
Privacy Awareness Checklist |
Privacy Standard Assessment Activity |
2. Foundation Section |
Privacy Standard |
Record and Information Management Framework for Ontario School Boards/Authorities |
3. Data and Information Management Section |
Considerations for the Use of Electronic Records in Place of Paper |
Model of a Records and Information Management Policy |
Guidelines for the Selection of an Electronic Documents and Records Management System |
Guidelines for Using the Access Matrix |
Guideline on the Model Classification Scheme and Retention Schedule |
Tables of Laws and Citations with Records Retention Requirements for School Boards |
Model Classification and Retention Scheme for School Boards/Authorities |
Subject List for the Model Classification Scheme and Retention Schedule for School Boards/Authorities |
Guidelines to Consider when Drafting Privacy Policies |
Privacy Policy Template |
Access Matrix |
4. Information Protection/Operational Control Section |
Guidelines for Cross-Panel Sharing of Student Information |
Guidelines for Identifying and Managing Confidential Information |
Guidelines for Password Procedures |
Guidelines for Securing Mobile Devices |
Guidelines for Working Outside the Office or School |
Information Technology Equipment Hardware Disposal and Redistribution Guidelines |
School Board/Authority Website Guidelines |
Technical Guidelines for Data Encryption |
Video Surveillance Guidelines |
Videoconferencing Privacy and Security Guidelines |
Model Video Conferencing Agreements |
Third-Party Privacy Agreements for Outsourced Services |
5. Risk Management Section |
Guidelines for Determining What Records Need to Be Retained |
Guidelines to Developing Privacy Notification Statements |
Privacy Breach Protocol |
Appendix A: Responding to a Suspected Privacy Breach |
Appendix B: FOI Coordinator Privacy Breach Checklist |
Privacy Impact Assessment Guidelines for Ontario School Boards/Authorities |
Appendix A: Privacy Impact Assessment Compliance Checklist |
Appendix B: Privacy Impact Assessment Comprehensive Assessment |
Appendix C: Privacy Impact Assessment Report |
6. Communication Section |
Glossary |
Acknowledgements |
* We recommend the PDF files for general use and printing. Use the Word files if you require cut and paste functionality to adapt the toolkit for use in your own classroom.